Frisco 1522 and others.
Welcome to the Unofficial Web Site for St. Louis - San Francisco Railway (Frisco)
Steam Locomotive 1522
Frisco 1522 is a 4-8-2 'Mountain Type' Steam Locomotive built in 1926 by the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia for
service on the St. Louis - San Francisco (FRISCO) Railway. Retired by the Frisco in the early 1950s, she was donated to the
Museum of Transportation in St. Louis for display. In 1988, the all volunteer St. Louis Steam Train Association completed
a 3 year restoration of the 1522, beginning her second career as an excursion engine throughout the Midwest and South. Rising
insurance costs and limited access to the mainline, coinciding with an expensive, required boiler inspection have forced the
1522 out of excursion service and back into retirement as of the end of 2002. The St. Louis Steam Train Association was also
dissolved at the end of 2002.
PLEASE NOTE: This web site is being maintained by the former SLSTA webmaster in order to keep the public informed
on status of the Frisco 1522 in its second retirement and, perhaps some day in the future, its possible return to service.
This web site does not represent any group of any kind since there are, at present, no groups associated with the 1522. Any
opinions expressed should be considered those of the webmaster unless otherwise noted.
Policy for using photos and/or text from this web site.
What's New on the Site - October 9, 2004 |
Latest News: The 1522 is preserved and stored under cover at the Museum of Transport. It is available for view by
visitors to the Museum. The former crew has conducted only one work session at the Museum since the end of March.
Bruce Near of Galesburg has a short 1522 clip on his web site and has graciously allowed us to link to it. If you've never
seen and heard the engine in action, this will give you a brief taste. The video is at http://willissteel.com/1522Kirkwood.rm. NOTE THAT THE URL FOR THIS VIDEO HAS JUST CHANGED. Crank up the sound when you watch it! |
Picture Of Steam Engines:
One of the great traditions that eventually came to an end in 1990 was the annual New River Train excursion from Huntington
to Hinton, WV. The fall excursion was sponsored by the Collis P. Huntington Railroad Historical Society which has operated
various excursions since 1966. The society has run steam and diesel excursions on many routes including CSX and NS until both
railroads banned such events. During the last 3 years popularity continued to grow and new excursions, pulled by diesels,
ran from Parkersburg to Clarksburg, Parkersburg to Wheeling, and a short trip from Parkersburg to St. Marys. N&W steam
also made many trips along the Tug River and throughout the NS system. Now all that has gone and only the memories are left.
I hope you enjoy this little trip down memory lane.
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Coal River
The Coal River valley is filled with the sound of steam as Nickel Plate 765 crosses the river into St. Albans, WV.
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St. Albans
On a beautiful autumn day in 1988, Nickel Plate 765 makes a stop for passengers in St. Albans, WV.
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Old and New
The Sunday morning Amtrak passes its predecessor NKP 765 as it picks up passengers in St. Albans, WV.
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765 Departs St. Albans on its way to Charleston, WV.
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Steam makes its last stop in Charleston, WV in 1988 as NKP 765 approaches the train station.
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With a blast from the whistle 765 departs Charleston on its way to Montgomery, WV.
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In 1988 765 makes a run by just west of the town of Thurmond, WV.
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Back Up Move
After the refuel at Meadow Creek, 765 backs the last few miles to meet the rest of the train in Hinton, WV.
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While the passengers enjoy the events and food in Hinton, 765 rejoins the rest of the train.
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